Thursday, March 19, 2009

Why am I single?

To be honest, any girl that I like is in Ontario. Sorry BC girls, but all i got for you is a boner and a bunch of pashing wish's. For those who don't know what pashing is...all it means is making out. Lately I have been discussing with friends and random people i just met actually and why I'm still single. I live my life wanting, and needing certain things but when it comes to dating....I'm just a very picky and i guess shallow human being. I like women/lady's/girls who are different from the cattle. I'm the bull who looks for the cow without the black and white spots so to speak. I like a girl with some fashion sense...if you can make sweat pants and a white tank top look hot, then you are one of a kind haha. I've learned being in the "friend zone" sucks balls. BUTT, people change and so do feelings. I can admit i have a lot of friends who are girls just because i find something about them i like. Whether its your looks, charm, or just plain humour. You got something i likey...babe. So in conclusion, the more comfortable I'am with you the better the odds i dig yah bitch.
Stay blessed !

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