Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Ontario terrible or Onterrible....same shit

Whatever way you want to think of it, Ontario has only so much to offer. Its not the people of ontario that i dislike, its the atmosphere and mountainless terrain. I was in toronto last weekend finding myself getting angry at traffic. I'm usually a humble beeing, but i guess living in whistler just really put me at ease about traffic. Party seen only is good when there are big events going on. I have to come appreciate the driveless atmosphere aka walking where i need to go.

Isn't Whistler expensive? Yes it some cases it is, BUT hourly pay is more and if you dont drive then your saving cash as well. One main thing is that you dont need to party every night and go to the village for food. So all in all its pretty much the same price to live anywhere else.

I say to you my friends, live in whistler at least once. Try it before you knock it.


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