Sunday, May 3, 2009

the secret to having the best days.

Its funny cause it is no where near a secret, cause everyone knows the ingredients to having the best days in the world......they just dont know how to prepare it. Firstly you need to be NOT in the mood to snowboard....yes thats right, NOT in the mood. Meet up with girls/guys who just want the enjoyment of other people. Rip laps on your snowboard not hitting any rails or jumps in the park in the until the very end of your sesh. Slash some snow at some people, throw snowballs if necessary. Blurt out gang words and the "N" bomb. Get the better half out of people, get them excited even if the got dumped or is having the worse day. Nothing is more satisfying when a person says " you made my day..". When riding seems like its the best that it is, download or get the F-out of there. Walk to moguls, sit and wait for people and dont have any plans. Just let people come to you with plans and join them. Grab a bite to eat and rant about whatever is on your mind. Ladies and gentlemen i have my best day SOUFFLE(sew-flay) receipe!
Not in the mood to do ? PERFECT!

Stay Blessed, love you all

Tags- Dani "smiles for miles, finger mclovin looking good" Brown, Luisa "houseparty" Jeffrey, Jordan "Hood Ninja"Macdonald, Darrah-Reid"the hook'R upper Vegan delight" McLean, Katlyn "Skier Babetron" Murdza, Alex "pash king"BB, Whistlers cutest couple Brody Pigeau, Kea Mowat.

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