Friday, January 22, 2010

New purchase...

bought another Kodak ZX-1, so when im with my friends i can pass a camera off to them so we can get more than 1 angle


been eating nothing but fruit and vegetable

my new ringtone.....hahaha

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

It's been awhile...

Remember when blogs were cool? Haha. I was reading a blog and it got me in the mood to write pretty much what's on mind and what I should do. Remember back in the elementary school days in gr.1, when Nerf guns, Sega Genesis, biking, getting dirty, etc was all you thought about. There were no worries, your lunch made, clothes cleaned, rooms/bed tidy, life was on a silver plate at that age. Now don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying life as I type this. I'm tall, not ugly, getting paid to do dick all, doing what I love, eating whatever I want haha. But there's one word that can bring all these lovely things to a shatter, and that is "Girls".
In your life so far you can admit that there has been at least 1 girl in your life that you have loved or hated or liked, or disliked. I myself have had all the above for different girls as well have had all the same feelings for 1 particular girl who I still hate.
When we were young, coodies were thought to be the deadly plague from kids. What we all have forgotten was who came up with the idea of coodies? First thing that pops to mind is that some kid made it up to either be cool or had mistakened it for leoparcie. BUT, I have recently discovered that's kids have been lied to and decieved yet again. If you havn't figured it out yet, it's was and always has been.....adults. Tooth Fairy, spiderman, batman, and yes even Santa were and always been invented by the older folks. The way I see it, adults created this fake disease to help little guys to enjoy there youth while they are young. Cause "girls" are the youth and soul suckers of life.
So I say to you future men, hold on to that nerf gun for as long as you can....... your gonna need it.

Havnt done one of these

Friday, January 15, 2010

Robson Square Box, Season 2 - Ruskasode 6

Riders: Barry Hartman, Ben Bilocq, Andrew Rusk, Eman Anderson, Jon Rusk, Matt Belzile, Logan Short, Kevin Griffin, Nick Herenga, Paul R., Alaura Ewen, Spencer......i cant remember his last name hahaha.