Saturday, November 22, 2008

Carlees bottom...

One Thursday evening me and carlee were having our daily conversation over Skype. I was sneaky enough to grab a shot of her butt. These are the best hours of my day when me and carlee are chatting over the world wide web, and i wouldn't change it for anything. I think the funny part is me with my face super close to my computer trying to get a better look. Good times Carlee.....good times.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

oh so sweet sweet jibbing

le village received 20cms of ya-yo. Riders like Alex BB, Cory Galon, Jezmond Dubeau, Brody Pigeau, D-Fed, Jon Rusk(thats me) and yes Neil Young went to Base 2 at Blackcomb today to facking Jib! No more arena snow for me or these guys any more chroonnnnn

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Thats not Hillary Duff...

A movie night with da boys came to a shock when Bebee said" that girl we passed over ther was Hillary Duff" Of coarse everyone was curious and headed back to the bitch and made our second looks. I was not convinced it was her, and others were pondering on the subjectm, but yah never know right.